Shrimp farming companies. An analysis by size based on the knowledge absorption capacity
capacity for the absortion of knowledge, farms, competitivity, shrimp farmingAbstract
In the last decade, the aquaculture sector has played a significant role in reducing the food gap in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and targets (SDGs); aimed at the provision of supplies, nutrition and territorial development of peoples. The objective is to relate the dimensions of absorptive capacity (CapAb) as determinants of competitive performance for shrimp farming enterprises in the municipality of Ahome, Sinaloa, Mexico. For the method, a sample of 58 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME'S) was selected, to which a survey was applied to obtain first-hand information based on the appreciation of the aquaculturists of northern Sinaloa. The results show that the Real CapAb (transformation and exploitation) determine competitive performance to a greater degree for the SMEs studied, obtaining a positive and statistically significant correlation. The research contributes to the specialized literature an empirical analysis with theoretical support by highlighting the role of the absorption capacity of scientific-technological knowledge; by contributing to business competitiveness, in a fishing sector little studied in this line of research. Limitations: it is based on a sample of limited size, also in defined geographical areas and primary sector.
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