The configuration of the environment and its approach to universal accessibility in search of inclusion; urban district 4 of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco


  • Adriana Yunuen Dávalos Pita Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Stella Maris Arnaiz Burne Universidad de Guadalajara



universal accesibility, right to the city, social justice, city, sustainable


Universal accessibility allows the free movement of people regardless of their condition, exercising their right to the city; this is a characteristic of sustainable cities. The objective of this research was to “diagnose the areas of opportunity in the environment within urban district 4 based on accessibility indicators, taking as a reference the 10 most frequent types of blocks in the environment in search of greater accessibility in the environment.”

The research is non-experimental, descriptive design, with a mixed approach, through documentation and simple observation. The level of accessibility was found by evaluating the 10 most frequent types of blocks, and the conditions of each of the indicators were also detected. The resulting accessibility is 46,247, rejecting the hypothesis “Urban district 4 of Puerto Vallarta has an accessible environment configuration.”

Puerto Vallarta is a tourist destination and has accessibility exclusively in tourist areas; it is necessary to also intervene in areas not exclusive to tourism and improve the conditions for the inhabitants. Urban actions impact people, especially those who need better conditions to be able to function in the city and not be excluded from it.


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How to Cite

Dávalos Pita, A. Y., & Arnaiz Burne , S. M. (2019). The configuration of the environment and its approach to universal accessibility in search of inclusion; urban district 4 of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Revista Ra Ximhai , 15(1), 117–125.



Artículos científicos