Experimenting with community language revitalization. The case of the Naaxwiinyëtë Käjpxy Mixe “language nest”, Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Zuzana Erdösová Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Rafael Juárez Toledo




language nest, mixe language, linguistic revitalization, Naaxwiinyëtë Käjpxy


The “language nest” is a language revitalization method of Maori origin focused on preschool children that has been implemented since 2007 in several Mexican indigenous communities, among which those in the Oaxaca region stand out. The experience of the “language nest” of Ayuuk (Mixe) origin called Naaxwiinyëtë Käjpxy (“the talk of the earth”) is presented, which was located on the outskirts of the urban area of ​​the capital of Oaxaca. Apart from being an institutional project, after four years of operation, the project was closed in 2014. It was considered relevant to recover, through qualitative methodology, the
history that highlights the vicissitudes that surrounded the “nest”, from the testimonies of those who served as managers and participants; The information obtained was qualitatively organized under the criteria of good practices, difficulties and recommendations, with the purpose of creating an estimate of its contribution to the revitalization of the Mixe language.


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How to Cite

Erdösová , Z., & Juárez Toledo, R. (2019). Experimenting with community language revitalization. The case of the Naaxwiinyëtë Käjpxy Mixe “language nest”, Oaxaca, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 15(5 Especial), 51–66. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.15.05.2019.03.ze



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