Administrative management in microenterprises in Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico


  • Fabiola Guadalupe Arriaga López
  • Edgardo Martínez Orozco
  • David Ávalos Cueva
  • Ana María Gutiérrez Salcido



microenterprise, planning, control, strategies, innovation


The purpose of this study is to describe from a qualitative perspective the current situation of microenterprises in the Arandas area, Jalisco, in the administrative, management and resource planning dimensions; with the intention of identifying opportunities for improvement that allow their continuity and professionalization, and also exposes how continuous improvement, aligned with innovation, broadens the perspective of the organization.

Innovation starts from a need to solve a problem and the knowledge and experience of the individual is necessary to solve it; if the controlled coexistence of Continuous Improvement and Innovation is included within the organizational culture, the path to competitiveness and of course, to the achievement of objectives is guaranteed.

The importance of the above in microenterprises lies in the number of establishments of this type that exist, since they have provided one of the best alternatives for economic independence; these companies represent a great opportunity, through which economically disadvantaged groups have been able to start and consolidate themselves on their own merits.

However, due to the lack of planning, control and effective decision-making, they do not achieve continuity due to situations that arise in the different dimensions that coexist within them, such as the inability to identify areas of opportunity for business innovation; that is, having a defined improvement strategy, having vision to identify the requirements of the economy and the market, being competitive; starting with the adequate, timely and continuous management of resources that allow the positioning and survival of the microenterprise in this changing and globalized world.


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How to Cite

Arriaga López, F. G., Martínez Orozco, E., Ávalos Cueva, D., & Gutiérrez Salcido, A. M. (2024). Administrative management in microenterprises in Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 14(3 Especial), 15–26.



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