Recovery and treatment of waste in the footwear industry in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico


  • Gerardo Alonso Torres Ávalos
  • Edith Ariadna Lozano González



solid residue, recycling, new products


The footwear industry is related to the environment through the consumption of raw materials, energy and water, and the production of waste, discharges and emissions into the atmosphere. This project studies the footwear industry in Lagos de Moreno, which generates considerable amounts of solid waste composed of various materials that can be recycled in multiple ways to manufacture new products or improve existing ones. In response to mega trends in environmental care, the development of new or improved ecological products has become necessary. Hence the importance of seeking and generating new technologies and products that adapt to local needs, which would provide environmental benefits in the regions where this type of industry is present, in addition to the generation of economic resources derived from the exploitation of new marketable products. This project investigated, using industrial footwear waste, the chemical reactivity of the synthetic rubber sole against caustic solutions at different concentrations and temperatures, which will lead to the development of Intellectual Property.


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How to Cite

Torres Ávalos , G. A., & Lozano González , E. A. (2018). Recovery and treatment of waste in the footwear industry in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 14(3 Especial), 49–61.



Artículos científicos