Proposal for the design of an industrial plant for the treatment of urban solid waste for the municipality of Arandas, Jalisco


  • Norberto Santiago Olivares
  • Samuel Íñiguez Gómez



solid waste treatment plant, bioreactors, composting, garbage separation, urban solid waste (USW)


One of the major problems in cities is the management and disposal of urban solid waste, since large volumes of this are generated and there is no separation of it at the points of generation. The beginning of a solution to this problem is to separate garbage from the home into inorganic waste, organic waste and sanitary waste, to then be collected and given a subsequent treatment, seeking sustainable development in the community. In this project, it was considered to treat the fraction of organic solid waste (OSW) through a composting process with accelerated fermentation, with the help of bioreactors (closed system), which can reduce the composting time from four months (estimated average composting time in an open system) to less than two months. For the treatment of inorganic waste, it was considered to implement a separation system into different types: metals, plastics, paper and cardboard, glass, fabrics and hazardous waste; to then give them a pretreatment (if necessary) for their subsequent sale. In the case of hazardous waste, it would have to be confined in a landfill, with the rest of the non-recyclable waste: earth, stones, construction waste, etc. In addition, it was considered that sanitary waste (together with non-recyclable textile and plastic waste) could be burned in a solids boiler coupled to a turbogenerator for the production of electric energy (necessary in the plant's motion transmission motors); but it was not feasible due to technical problems that are discussed later. With the support of the H. Ayuntamiento de Arandas and the José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez Technological Institute, Arandas campus, it was possible to design, build and carry out technical tests on a prototype of a continuous aerobic bioreactor with accelerated fermentation. With the results obtained, the pilot bioreactor equipment was scaled up to an industrial level, according to the amount of RSO generated in the municipality of Arandas, in order to subsequently design the organic waste treatment plant. For the design of the inorganic solid waste plant, the different equipment needed, its characteristics, capacity and cost were determined. In addition, the quotation was made for the civil works required for the treatment plant and the installation of electric power.


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How to Cite

Santiago Olivares, N., & Íñiguez Gómez, S. (2018). Proposal for the design of an industrial plant for the treatment of urban solid waste for the municipality of Arandas, Jalisco. Revista Ra Ximhai , 14(3 Especial), 101–117.



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