A study of physical fatigue in artisanal fishermen from the Mayo-Yoreme community of Bacorehuis Sinaloa


  • Alberto Ramírez Leyva
  • Karina Luna Soto
  • Jesús Iván Ruiz Ibarra
  • Genesis Yarinka Ávila Rubio




fishing, burnout, job fatigue, ethnicity, job risk


This work was developed in Bacorehuis Sinaloa, a forgotten and scarcely studied sector where workers (small-scale fishermen) are constantly affected by musculoskeletal problems, work fatigue, tiredness, as well as other problems that affect their health and that are directly caused by the intense and demanding work days to which they are exposed for up to six days a week.

In the development of this study, techniques for the evaluation and analysis of fatigue in small-scale fishermen such as Yoshitake and 4 points of Luke were applied. After analyzing the results obtained, it was found that fatigue is present throughout the work week, that they have unfavorable eating habits and many of the workers are elderly, and they are not covered by any public or private medical institution, which makes them a vulnerable and unprotected target in the event of a work accident.


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Carlos Espejo Guasco (2013). Ergonomía Ocupacional Investigaciones y Aplicaciones, Vol. 8, pp. 204-210. Sociedad de Ergonomistas de México A.C. (SEMAC).

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NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-043-SSA2-2005, Servicios básicos de salud. Promoción y educación para la salud en materia alimentaria. Criterios para brindar orientación. Recuperado de http://www.salud.gob.mx/unidades/cdi/nom/compi/043ssa205.pdf. (Diciembre de 2017)

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How to Cite

Ramírez Leyva , A., Luna Soto , K., Ruiz Ibarra , J. I., & Ávila Rubio, G. Y. (2024). A study of physical fatigue in artisanal fishermen from the Mayo-Yoreme community of Bacorehuis Sinaloa. Revista Ra Ximhai , 14(3 Especial), 137–161. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.14.03.2018.09.ar



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