Impact of official government programs in the last ten years in the community of Jahuara II, El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico


  • Rufino López Torres Titular Académico. Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México.
  • José G. Vargas Hernández Universidad de Guadalajara



development, community, integration, potential


In this paper we address the issue of the rural environment with a general overview of the main problems that rural communities are currently facing. The central point of this research is to know the impact that official government programs have had in the last ten years in the community of Jahuara II, El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico. It is also interesting to know the institutional offer and how many of these programs have landed in the community.


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How to Cite

López Torres, R., & Vargas Hernández, J. G. (2005). Impact of official government programs in the last ten years in the community of Jahuara II, El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 1(1), 67–80.



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