Rational instrumentality of the new political economy in the institutional transformation of the State
rational instrumentality, new political economy, institutional transformation of the StateAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the instrumental rationality of the new political economy in the institutional transformation of the State, from a transdisciplinary conceptual and methodological approach that implies the interaction of the economic and the political. Rationality is analyzed from its individual and social components, to detach its implications in the theory of collective action and in the economic rationality of decisions, as elements to determine the different approaches to political economy. Special emphasis is placed on the implementation of the principles of the institutionalist current until maturing in the so-called neo-institutionalism and then in a new political economy, passing through the failed attempts of the new economy and the imposition of the fundamental premises of the new classical macroeconomics in the regulation of the processes of economic globalization. Finally, it is concluded that the new political economy provides the theoretical methodological foundations and the necessary instrumentality for the processes of change and institutional transformation of the State.
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