Comprehensive human development: a challenge for community development in the processes of globalization


  • María Soledad Angulo Aguilazocho Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Marco Antonio Lozanía Cázares Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



globalization, neoliberalism, cultural dimensions


The predominance of things over people, the materialistic nature of human motivation, is what is predominating in the processes of globalization that we are facing. For “those at the top” it is increasingly important to confront the war of competition and its struggle for power, and for “those at the bottom” the struggle for cultural and social survival. We are immersed in a neoliberalism that covertly drives us towards an unsustainable process of globalization based on the overexploitation of human resources, the degradation of cultural diversity and the deterioration of the environment. We need to be alert to the fact that development is an integral process that includes cultural, ethical, political, social, economic and environmental dimensions, with an interrelation that is inherent to the phenomenon of development itself, based on the fact that the human being is the main protagonist and beneficiary of it.


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How to Cite

Angulo Aguilazocho , M. S., & Lozanía Cázares , M. A. (2005). Comprehensive human development: a challenge for community development in the processes of globalization. Revista Ra Ximhai , 1(3), 509–520.



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