Interculturality: an essential aspect for proper relations between different cultures. The case between “Yoris” and “Yoremes” of the Ceremonial Center of San Jerónimo de Mochicahui, El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico
interculturality, yoreme, yori, MochicahuiAbstract
Interculturality is a necessary necessity when two or more groups with different cultures meet, whether in a hostile or friendly manner. It is necessary to know the “others” in order to understand and comprehend many aspects or cultural elements that at first glance may seem negative, immoral or simply should not be present. It is precisely in this problematic context where a dialogue is required that allows for understanding and harmonious coexistence where ethnocentrism, prejudice and discrimination do not fit. Unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve adequate intercultural relations and this is demonstrated in this work when addressing this theory to the case of “Yoris” and “Yoremes” from the region of Mochicahui, El Fuerte, Sinaloa.
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