Historical retrospective of communication satellites


  • Francisco Sacristán Romero Universidad Complutense de Madrid




communication satellites, HISPASAT, history of social communication


This work is part of an investigation that addresses a subject as complex and ongoing as the trajectory, since its birth as a project, of the Spanish communications satellite HISPASAT. HISPASAT means entering the fascinating world of the most advanced technologies with the risk of believing that we have seen a good part of the possibilities it offers, when in reality we have only just begun the study of a plan in transition. The researchers who come after us will expand and enrich the information on the great legacy that is already being left by purely Spanish technical and human resources. HISPASAT offers the possibility for the languages ​​and cultures of our country to cross international borders and enter corners of Europe, America and Africa where there was a superficial knowledge of our most deep-rooted customs, wealth and traditions.


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How to Cite

Sacristán Romero, F. (2006). Historical retrospective of communication satellites. Revista Ra Ximhai , 2(1), 243–267. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.02.01.2006.13.fs



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