Design of a technology transfer strategy in peasant livestock farming in the Mixe (ayuuk) region in Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Juan Antonio Bautista Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca (IISUABJO)



indigenous, traditional technology, performance, community


In order to propose a technology transfer strategy in peasant livestock farming practiced by indigenous producers, this research was carried out in the indigenous community of Santo Domingo, Tepuxtepec Mixe, Oaxaca, where peasant livestock farming is made up of birds (chickens and turkeys), cattle, goats, sheep and horses, with a notable absence of pigs. In addition, the results indicated that in all peasant production units (UPC) inadequate practices of animal production technology are carried out. Given the situation found, a strategy is proposed that includes actions related to organization, education, technical assistance, infrastructure, financing and marketing. With the application of these actions, it is possible to have an improvement in animal breeding, in the income of producers, in a greater and better consumption of food of animal origin for the family, a greater amount of organic fertilizer for the agricultural plot and a lower incidence of zoonotic diseases that is reflected in better health of the peasant family, particularly in children and adults. For these reasons, it is important to design and implement a technology transfer program for this type of indigenous peasant producers who live in the national territory, particularly in Oaxaca, where there are more than 368 thousand indigenous peasant families that make up, among others, the Zapotec, Mixtec, Mazatec, Chinantec and Mixe indigenous groups (in Mixe vocabulary: Ayuuk), the latter of interest in this study.


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How to Cite

Bautista, J. A. (2006). Design of a technology transfer strategy in peasant livestock farming in the Mixe (ayuuk) region in Oaxaca, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 2(2), 419–433.



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