Reclaiming Nature: An Approach to Ecofeminist Perspectives


  • Josefina Vivar Arenas


ecofeminism, development, gender, gender and nature relationship


At the intersection of the struggles of the green movement and the feminism of the seventies, a new perspective emerges that integrates both visions: ecofeminism. This work aims to analyze the bases that gave rise to the emergence of the ecofeminist movement, its main postulates and some contradictions that it holds with respect to general feminist approaches. I do not intend to exhaust the discussion that specialists are surely carrying out on this subject. My intention is to offer a general critical perspective, which allows an approach to some of the foundations that gave rise to it, while observing its evolution, its advances, its setbacks and its contradictions.


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How to Cite

Vivar Arenas, J. (2015). Reclaiming Nature: An Approach to Ecofeminist Perspectives. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(2), 81–92. Retrieved from



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