Phenomenology and its use in nursing scientific production: bibliometric study 2010-2014


  • Raúl Fernando Guerrero Castañeda
  • Ma. Guadalupe Ojeda Vargas



phenomenology, nursing, bibliometrics


Phenomenology emerged as a philosophy with Husserl; it is the study of phenomena, it allows access to human consciousness, to understand the meaning of the human being, however its use in the scientific production of nursing is unknown, so the present bibliometric analysis was carried out to describe and evaluate the scientific products published in scientific journals. The objective was to analyze the use of phenomenology in nursing production with bibliometric indicators. Materials and methods. It is a retrospective descriptive bibliometric study, applied to articles published in journals indexed in the databases Scielo, CUIDEN, Fundación Index. Using the descriptors: "Phenomenology", "Nursing" (Spanish) "Phenomenology", "Enfermagem" (Portuguese) "Phenomenology", "Nursing" (English), in the period 2010-2014, the search was carried out in February 2015. Results and Discussion. Sample (n = 142). Journals with the most publications: Paraninfo Digital Magazine (9.2%), Ciência Cuidado e Saúde, Revista Latino- Americana de Enfermagem and Texto & Contexto Enfermagem (7%). Area of ​​knowledge: Adult Nursing (18.3%); Subjects: Nursing Education (14.7%), Cancer and Nursing Discipline (9.8%), Care (7.7%); Population: Nurses (25%). Country: Brazil (69.2%); Keywords: Nursing (11.73%), Qualitative Research (6.9%); Language: Portuguese (50%); Original articles (88%); Phenomenological approach: Social Alfred Schütz (33.5%); Sampling: Purposive (64.62%); Technique used: Interview (42.9%). Phenomenology is a method and a philosophy, it seeks the truth of phenomena in the variety that deepens all reality, identifying that Brazil has developed in the use of phenomenology. Social approaches are used as a higher form of intersubjectivity (subject-phenomenon-society), referring to Alfred Schütz. Conclusions. The use of bibliometrics constitutes an evaluation of scientific activity, it is an instrument to bring us closer to the use that is given in nursing to phenomenology, as a philosophy and method.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Castañeda, R. F., & Ojeda Vargas, M. G. (2015). Phenomenology and its use in nursing scientific production: bibliometric study 2010-2014. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(2), 193–206.



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