Support program for outstanding students in the state of Sinaloa: timely attention to talent
scientific competition, science, high capacity, scientific researchAbstract
The objective of this article is to present an analysis of the scientific training of outstanding students, delving into the elements and challenges that society demands. The case of the Program to Support Outstanding Students in the State of Sinaloa was studied, as it is a program that seeks to bring out the talent manifested in children and young people from Sinaloa to its maximum potential. For the research, interviews, observation and analysis of documents were carried out using the qualitative perspective, under the optics of the philosophical rhombus model of Renée Bédard. The results show how the students of the program are being formed with a scientific identity, under environments that rescue creativity, commitment and the promotion of talent with the constituency in collaborative work and human development, as well as working on research projects, product development and initiatives for the benefit of the state of Sinaloa.
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