Sources of external knowledge in Sinaloa exporting companies


  • Nora Teresa Millán López
  • Héctor Gabriel Zazueta Beltrán



external knowledge, companies, Sinaloa


This article analyzes the sources of external knowledge in Sinaloa exporting companies, based on the knowledge production cycle of the Nonaka model. The objective was to identify the practices of companies according to their size, as well as companies that patent and those that do not patent, in order to find significant differences. The source of information was a survey applied to 70 exporting companies in Sinaloa, Mexico. The comparative method was used, the data were treated statistically to identify significant differences between the groups studied, which were treated through non-parametric tests such as the Mann-Whitney U test and the Chi Square. It should be noted that this research was carried out to answer the following questions:

How do external institutions participate in the process of knowledge dissemination within Sinaloa exporting companies? and What is the participation of external sources of knowledge used in the knowledge management process of Sinaloa exporting companies? The results indicate that the process of knowledge dissemination within exporting companies in Sinaloa is almost non-existent, whereas the sources of knowledge related to clients present important ratings for companies that patent.


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How to Cite

Millán López, N. T., & Zazueta Beltrán, H. G. (2015). Sources of external knowledge in Sinaloa exporting companies. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(3 Especial), 121–139.



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