Linkage and technology transfer: proposal of a model for the state of Sinaloa


  • Rosario Alonso Bajo
  • Arturo Retamoza López



linking, technology transfer, model


This paper analyses the advantages and obstacles of how the link between Higher Education Institutions and the productive and social sectors has been developing. Policies to carry out the link have emerged from government spheres and from there they have spread to the states and universities, which may be the reason why better results have not been achieved. Based on this, a proposal is made for a link scheme that has an inverse characteristic, starting from the municipalities, with the town councils being the ones that are most in contact with the productive sectors, until reaching the states and regions of the country.


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How to Cite

Alonso Bajo, R., & Retamoza López, A. (2015). Linkage and technology transfer: proposal of a model for the state of Sinaloa. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(3 Especial), 141–154.



Artículos científicos