Methodological guidelines for developing physical preparation (strength) in rhythmic gymnastics athletes


  • Rene Mena Ramos Instituto Superior de Cultura Física Manuel Fajardo
  • Ivan Misael Álvarez Velásquez Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



physical preparation, rithmic gymnastics, strength


On the basis of and taking into account the deficiencies presented by the Physical Preparation process in our gymnasts due to the partial ignorance of the methods and means that exist to develop this type of work (criteria analysis of the specialists) which prevents the interpretation and application of the Athlete Preparation Program, a system of methodological guidelines for the development of strength was drawn up, taking into account that there is little specific literature on the work with this motor capacity and a partial ignorance of its forms of work in the gymnasts of this sport. These guidelines were applied to the National Rhythmic Gymnastics Pre-Selection, during a work cycle, resulting in the application of the experiment significant increases in this capacity.


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How to Cite

Mena Ramos, R., & Álvarez Velásquez, I. M. (2006). Methodological guidelines for developing physical preparation (strength) in rhythmic gymnastics athletes. Revista Ra Ximhai , 2(2), 515–532.



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