Remittances and consumption: use and effects


  • Jorge Eugenio de Jesús Mora Tordecillas
  • Joaquín Bracamontes Nevárez
  • Luis Huesca Reynoso



remittances, consumption, poverty, education, health, investment


This paper is a compilation of publications on remittances and consumption worldwide, analyzing how they are used and what effect the resources from migrants have on their countries of origin. Dissimilar results are observed, as a consequence of several factors ranging from cultural and regional issues to the development levels of the destination country. However, the role of remittances in reducing poverty, improving living standards and contributing in fiscal terms is undeniable. In addition, it was found that the vast majority of research is at international and national levels, very few of them analyze the regional effects within countries.


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How to Cite

Mora Tordecillas, J. E. de J., Bracamontes Nevárez, J., & Huesca Reynoso, L. (2015). Remittances and consumption: use and effects. Revista Ra Ximhai , 11(5 Especial), 211–221.



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