Remittances and (under)development in the migration systems of Bolivia and Paraguay
Latin America, comparative, global north, global south, migrationAbstract
The objective of this article is to comparatively analyze the relationship between international remittances and development in the migration systems of Bolivia and Paraguay. Although the topic has been widely discussed in the specialized literature, it has received relatively less attention in the Southern Cone of Latin America. The analytical perspectives on the topic are discussed conceptually and empirical evidence is analyzed based on microdata from household surveys. In both countries, differences are found between households linked to the Global North and those linked to the Global South in three dimensions: a) sociodemographic,
socioeconomic and c) dynamics of sending, receiving and using the resources. Two convergent macroprocesses are suggested: 1) in the receiving households: dependency; 2) in the set of households: accentuation of inequality.
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