Analysis of migration through surveys. Advantages, disadvantages and challenges to be solved


  • Patricia Román Reyes
  • Juan Gabino González Becerril
  • Eduardo Andrés Sandoval Forero



poll, migration, sample design


In order to provide quantitative elements useful for the design of an updated diagnosis of the migration situation in the State of Mexico, this paper analyzes the Survey on Migration of Mexicans to the United States (EMMEU) that was designed and applied with the objective of quantifying and characterizing the migrant population that moves to the United States and within the country to identify the impact of this mobilization on their homes of origin. The concepts of habitual resident and household that are regularly used in population censuses and sociodemographic surveys carried out by the National Institute of Geography of Mexico are used. The analytical dimension, the design and the collection of the sample are explained and it concludes with the scope and limitations of the EMMEU-2009.


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How to Cite

Román Reyes, P., González Becerril , J. G., & Sandoval Forero , E. A. (2014). Analysis of migration through surveys. Advantages, disadvantages and challenges to be solved. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(2), 145–171.



Artículos científicos