Society, culture and astronomy: drivers of educational practices for peace. A critical look


  • Laura Marcela Piedrahita Ramírez
  • Víctor Daniel Gómez Montoya



Look up at the sky, management policies, development of pedagogical actions, liberating society, fraternal and harmonious coexistence


Education is a term or action that is directly related to the concept of culture and progress of humanity, where the educational task has been adopted in modernity and postmodernity in a hegemonic way by the school as an institution in charge of its administration and development, but which currently requires a reflective look from critical positions on its managerial policies allowing to resume or design proposals that ensure an education that projects the progress of human beings beyond consumerist practices or particular interests; in which ideas that use astronomy (looking at the skies) as a tool rather than an end in itself for the development of pedagogical actions that break barriers and develop the bases of a liberating society in favor of educational practices for peace within the framework of a healthy, fraternal and harmonious coexistence are potentialized.


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How to Cite

Piedrahita Ramírez, L. M., & Gómez Montoya, V. D. (2014). Society, culture and astronomy: drivers of educational practices for peace. A critical look. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(2), 195–215.



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