Manifestations of cyberbullying by gender among high school students


  • Tania Morales Reynoso
  • Carolina Serrano Barquín



cyberbullying, harrasment, mistreatment, young people


The main purpose of this article is to study cyberbullying in a more in-depth manner, considering three fundamental aspects: the role of the actors involved; the absence of time and space, as well as the difficulty for victims and perpetrators to recognize it. To do so, a qualitative study was conducted using the narrative technique with a sample of 300 high school students from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Willard's (2006) manifestations of cyberbullying were used as a category of analysis. The aim was to identify the role of perpetrators, victims and witnesses, as well as their relationship with gender. This will allow a deeper approach to cyberbullying than the simple quantitative data of the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Morales Reynoso, T., & Serrano Barquín, C. (2014). Manifestations of cyberbullying by gender among high school students. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(4 Especial), 235–261.



Artículos científicos