Amate paper from coffee pulp (Coffea arabica) (wet processing residue)


  • Noé Aguilar Rivera
  • Eric Houbron
  • Elena Rustrian
  • Luis Carlos Reyes Alvarado



agroindustrial subproducts, handmade paper, properties of paper


Amate (amatl) is a handmade paper from Mexico made by indigenous Otomi people. This craft is made from the bark of the amate or jonote tree. It is originally developed in the states of Puebla, Hidalgo and Veracruz, especially in San Pablito, Puebla. However, amate paper is sold as a background for paintings made by Nahua artists from the state of Guerrero. Amate paper paintings are a combination of Nahua and Otomi traditions. While there have been some minor innovations, amate paper is still made with the same basic process that was used in the pre-Hispanic period by obtaining fiber from the bark of the classic amate tree. This is negatively affecting the ecosystem of northern Puebla and forcing bark sellers to search for other species, so it is necessary to make amate paper in a more sustainable way, including new types of bark from other species and byproducts of agro-industries such as rice, coffee, sugar cane, and other types of fiber that have high availability. The objective of this work was to analyze and compare the chemical characteristics of coffee pulp as a raw material for amate paper of higher quality than that produced with the bark of other species. The results showed that the structural and chemical characteristics of the cellulose pulp from coffee pulp presented ease of papermaking, due to its adhesion, formation and fiber agglutination properties similar to the high quality of the final product such as amate paper derived from the bark of the tree.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Rivera, N., Houbron, E., Rustrian, E., & Reyes Alvarado, L. C. (2014). Amate paper from coffee pulp (Coffea arabica) (wet processing residue). Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(3 Especial), 103–117.



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