Knowledge of the chemical composition of the soil in areas of ecological succession of fir forests (Abies guatemalensis rehder)


  • José Vicente Martínez Arévalo
  • Ovidio Aníbal Sacbaja Galindo
  • José Pablo Prado Córdova



ecological succession, soil chemical properties, Abies guatemalensis Rehder, soil-vegetation correlation, Canonical Correspondence Analysis


The chemical composition (pH, major and minor elements, %S.B., CEC, %M.O. and T.N.) of soils from open areas and fir forest (Abies guatemalensis Rehder) in a successional gradient was studied. These results were related to vegetation through correlation analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The objective was to show the relationships between vegetation and soil chemical composition throughout ecological succession in cold climate areas. The results indicate that the vegetation is composed of 82 species of which 20 are from the lower herbaceous stratum, 34 from the upper herbaceous stratum, 21 shrubs and seven trees. The chemical characteristics of the soil through the five successional stages have few significant differences and do not show a clear tendency to increase according to the degree of development of the ecosystem. A low percentage of correlations is presented between the vegetal part and the chemical characteristics of the soil. Canonical correspondence analysis shows that the characteristics that correlate most with the sites through vegetation are K, CEC and %SB and. It can be concluded that the approach to the study of soil chemical composition in areas of ecological succession is complex, especially in high altitude regions where, in addition to other factors, temperature and humidity play an important role in soil-vegetation dynamics.


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How to Cite

Martínez Arévalo, J. V., Sacbaja Galindo, O. A., & Prado Córdova, J. P. (2014). Knowledge of the chemical composition of the soil in areas of ecological succession of fir forests (Abies guatemalensis rehder). Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(3 Especial), 161 – 173.



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