Gender violence and control of bodies: a case study with high school and college students in the south of the state of Guanajuato


  • Rocío Rosas Vargas



gender violence , biopolitics, female bodies


This work is derived from a research project on gender violence towards high school students in Guanajuato.1 Surveys, interviews and workshops were conducted. During the course of the latter, the high school girls stated that they had been abused because they do not fit the image that the body is supposed to have, which the media tells them they should show. The anxiety of not looking like what is indicated leads to serious disorders and sometimes they have attempted suicide. In this sense, we approach the work from the idea that it is in female bodies where the social norms of being a woman are normalized, and where they are also resisted (Harcourt, 2011). It is in the bodies, socioculturally constructed, where power games are inscribed. Buttler (2010: 93) states that "we are exposed to others, and while this may be a condition of our desire, it also raises the possibility of subjugation and cruelty. This is a result of the fact that bodies are closely related to others through material needs, touch, language and a whole series of relationships without which we cannot survive." That is, the need for Others, for their recognition, tells us that in order to respond to our needs we must be as we are told and if we are not then we will not obtain recognition and cruelty, but since we cannot survive like this the reactions may be self-destruction and violence. Which bodies are then those that represent a problem?


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How to Cite

Rosas Vargas, R. (2014). Gender violence and control of bodies: a case study with high school and college students in the south of the state of Guanajuato. Revista Ra Ximhai , 10(7 Especial), 147–158.



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