Diagnosis of the Use of Wildlife in the Flora and Fauna Protection Area “Usumacinta Canyon”, Tenosique, Tabasco


  • Alfredo Hernández López
  • Eduardo López Alamilla
  • Ana Rodríguez Ramírez
  • Victoria Aquino Bravata




Wildlife, hunding, use of wildlife, commerce


The use of wildlife is described in 7 locations on the Redención del Campesino-San Francisco route within the Usumacinta Canyon Flora and Fauna Protection Area, located in Tenosique, Tabasco. The work offers information on the traditions of wildlife use by local residents and the way of understanding the activity in the region. The cultural valuation of wildlife is described, identifying and quantifying the recognized and used species; the modalities and pressure of use on some species; capture arts, characterizing the profile of hunters. A total of 26 species of fauna were recorded (12 mammals, 12 birds and 2 reptiles); mammals were the most recognized and used by the inhabitants, in second order birds. The use of fauna in these communities is closely related to knowledge and tradition. The most frequent uses were detected: food, pets and in the background, artisanal and medicinal uses. Hunters use dogs, firearms and other tools such as machetes, traps and slingshots to obtain them. The main motivation of hunters is subsistence, an exclusively male activity, in groups and occasionally individually.


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How to Cite

Hernández López, A., López Alamilla, E., Rodríguez Ramírez, A., & Aquino Bravata, V. (2013). Diagnosis of the Use of Wildlife in the Flora and Fauna Protection Area “Usumacinta Canyon”, Tenosique, Tabasco. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.09.01.e.2013.01.ah



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