Proposal for a strategy to improve the cultivation of capulin in the municipalities of Domingo Arenas, Calpan and San Nicolás de los Ranchos


  • Luz María Páez Reyes
  • Josset Sánchez Olarte
  • Mariano Velasco Torres
  • Adrián Argumedo Macías
  • Jesús Felipe Álvarez Gaxiola



commercialization, fruit, Capulin Management


Currently, the municipalities of Domingo Arenas, Calpan and San Nicolás de los Ranchos in the state of Puebla have the conditions and a favorable climate for the cultivation of capulin; however, this crop is not being valued and properly managed, which causes low yields and its economic importance to go unnoticed. The objective of the research was "To explore how to improve the productive and economic use of capulin through its revaluation by producers, due to the advantages that the crop offers in its management and its low investment." For the collection of information, a semi-structured interview was applied to 15 key informants, five per municipality respectively. For the analysis of data, the Problem Tree tool and a SWOT analysis were used. Among the outstanding results, it was found that capulin has opportunities that can be used as an economic alternative for low-income producers or for the unemployed population, since due to its characteristics and management it can be easily cultivated.


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How to Cite

Páez Reyes, L. M., Sánchez Olarte, J., Velasco Torres, M., Argumedo Macías, A., & Álvarez Gaxiola, J. F. (2013). Proposal for a strategy to improve the cultivation of capulin in the municipalities of Domingo Arenas, Calpan and San Nicolás de los Ranchos. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(1), 109–119.



Artículos científicos