Intercultural Education: Working with the Different or with the Differences?


  • Juan Bello Domínguez



education, intercultural, inclusion, diversity, marginalization


Within the framework of the Educational Policy formulated in the International context by the Multilateral Organizations (Jomtiem, 1990; Salamanca, 1994; Dakar, 2000), the moral and political obligation to also attend to social groups that express and manifest different social, cultural, economic, political and physical characteristics, which a democratic society demands, was emphasized.

The sociocultural and educational needs of the groups raised in these forums were postulated from the dialogue between inclusion and interculturality, to "guarantee" access to all educational services available to society, "ensuring" them the resources to socialize, grow without losing their identity and join the socioeconomic processes. The persistent social, cultural, economic and educational gaps showed the number of people living in poverty and the unequal distribution of wealth; These gaps have become serious limitations, as well as delaying the processes of democratisation of societies. However, rather than being a marginal issue related to the integration of learners into the regular education system, the debate is centred on how to transform educational systems and learning environments to respond to the differences of learners and not to the attention of those who are different.


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How to Cite

Bello Domínguez, J. (2013). Intercultural Education: Working with the Different or with the Differences?. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(1 Especial), 61–73.



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