Interculturality, power and social change: the challenge of the school mediator
interculturality, mediation, power, inequality, values, education, social changeAbstract
The essay aims to clarify and present the educational and social profile of the school mediator through a series of reflections arising from a broad sociological and anthropological confrontation on the subject of Mediation between actors in an asymmetric and conflictual condition (in particular by examining Sara Cobb's 'Circular Model' and Bush & Folger's 'Transformative Model') with a view to social change. It then selects the pillars of a pedagogy of inequalities in multicultural societies by re-elaborating two concepts, that of power (on Foucault's lines) and that of intercultural dialogue (referring to Plato's dialogues and Paulo Freire's dialogicity). Finally, it designs an educational method oriented towards values with which the school mediator will put into practice a culture of dialogue in everyday life that relies on a reciprocal exchange between students and their families, culturally differentiated, with teachers and the world outside the school.
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