Rapa Nui: Tradition, modernity and alterglobalization in intercultural education


  • Fidel Molina




socialization, conflict, culture, identity, interculturalism, leadership


This study describes, analyses and compares the manifestations of intercultural education in a difficult situation such as that of the island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), traditionally isolated, in the “navel of the world” (Te pito o Te Henua), but “discovered” and assimilated by Westerners, and recovered for the intercultural idea that overcomes such assimilation and/or globalizing homogenization, in a context of alterglobalization.

To this end, four interviews and two brief biographical accounts (life stories) have been analyzed in depth, based on the hypothesis of the need for a clear link between interculturality and education, to face the dangers that threaten the island, the identity and cultural survival of its citizens.

The results obtained suggest that immersion programs in schools are not only insufficient, but can be counterproductive if they are not accompanied by holistic institutional work in various areas: political, cultural, educational, economic, environmental, leisure, etc. The construction of identity again brings us back to individual and collective spheres, with the participation of the subject and the community. In this sense, intergenerational solidarity plays a fundamental role.

In any case, new elements are being observed that recover elements of the sociology of emotions, figurational (processual) sociology, as well as the sociology of intercultural education, in order to be able to respond to so many questions not only of survival but of mutual enrichment between the various human groups.


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How to Cite

Molina, F. (2013). Rapa Nui: Tradition, modernity and alterglobalization in intercultural education. Revista Ra Ximhai , 9(2), 261–282. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.09.02.2013.09.fm



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