Agroforestry coffee systems as an alternative for sustainable production for small producers in Mexico
ecosystemic service, environmental benefit, economic benefit, threats, cooperativesAbstract
Coffee agroforestry systems are considered a strategic mode of production focused on sustainable development, because it is the means of subsistence of small producers and around 30 indigenous groups in the country. Despite this, there are multiple social, economic and environmental threats that cause a reduction in the surface area dedicated to this mode of production. Therefore, it is essential to highlight the environmental, social and economic benefits that these systems generate in marginalized communities to prevent the surface area with this system from being further reduced. The objective of this essay was to analyze the role that coffee agroforestry systems play in the sustainable development of small producers in Mexico through the technique of documentary research to have scientific evidence on the main environmental, social and economic benefits and to identify the main threats in order to help future research in the improvement and conservation of coffee agroforestry systems. It was found that this system generates a range of ecosystem services, among which the potential for CO2 capture and the capacity for the conservation of native biodiversity stand out. Traditional knowledge of farmers influences the conservation and maintenance of coffee agroforestry systems. Despite the multiple social threats, small producers dedicated to this mode of production resist abandoning this practice because it is a way to survive and maintain their social reproduction system, regardless of the challenges that arise. Small producers who have achieved a significant increase in their economy are those who are organized in cooperatives to produce high-quality specialized organic coffees with an export focus. Migration, advanced age of producers, poor management of the system, phytosanitary diseases and climate change are the main threats identified. There is ample scientific evidence on the environmental benefits provided by coffee agroforestry systems in Mexico; however, it is necessary to expand information in the social and economic sphere to obtain strategies that help small producers from marginalized communities achieve sustainable development that takes into account the improvement of their quality of life, the reduction of the main threats that afflict them and the decrease of vulnerability to current and future climate change.
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