Measuring qualitative data, a trend in social research: analysis of the case of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, Culiacán Campus


  • J. Bernardo Medina Castillo
  • Lorenzo Manzanilla López de Llergo
  • Aurora Díaz



social research, qualitative approach, cuantitative approach, mixed research, measurement of qualitative data


The need to study the problems of social research from the new trends and paradigms that are most widespread and accepted today. The development of research and analysis techniques in search of criteria of objectivity, quantification and coherence in social research, where quantitative research, whose epistemological, interactionist and dialectical foundations give rise to the start-up of a process that takes into account more broadly the complexity of situations, their contradictions, the dynamics of the processes and the points of view of social agents.


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How to Cite

Medina Castillo, J. B., López de Llergo, L. M., & Díaz, A. (2012). Measuring qualitative data, a trend in social research: analysis of the case of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, Culiacán Campus. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(2).



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