Experience in qualitative methodology: life story
qualitative study, lifestory, leadership style, small industrial companiesAbstract
Since the opening of trade in Mexico, companies have been competing with transnational companies. In the municipality of Culiacán in the state of Sinaloa, small companies have been the most affected, mainly due to their low level of productivity and competitiveness. Therefore, studying two people who, despite the complexity of the environment, have influenced the growth and development of their organization is important for local and state development. The purpose of this work, even though some results are included, is to show the method and instruments used in the research. First, the problem to be investigated is presented, as well as the questions, objectives and hypothesis that guide this work. It also includes the design of the field work, which considers the relevance of using the qualitative method of the life history tradition, the collection and storage of data, its analysis and interpretation and some conclusions. The study allowed to determine the characteristics and qualities that make up their personality as leaders, as well as the management practices that they have implemented.
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