Conservation programs for works in irrigation districts as a sustainable alternative in the management of water for agricultural use


  • Víctor Manuel Peinado Guevara
  • Carmen Camacho Castro
  • Deyanira Bernal Domínguez
  • Omar Delgado Rodríguez
  • Héctor José Peinado Guevara



irrigation modules, hydric shortage, hydric policies, sheets of water


Water scarcity is a topic of global interest since it is already having an impact on social development. Mexico is not immune to this problem, and in several regions of the country there are great difficulties in supplying water, mainly for agricultural use. In Sinaloa, it has been repeatedly mentioned in the media that in the irrigation district 063, located in the north of the state, there are problems of water scarcity, and even so there are difficulties in conserving the resource, since more than 49% of the water used for agriculture is wasted.

To solve this problem, producers and government institutions allocate significant resources for investment in water conservation, however, the results have not been entirely satisfactory since waste is high, a situation that motivates a thorough study of the main weaknesses that affect the sustainable use of the resource. The participation of the user-farmer in the management of the hydraulic infrastructure is important, since in addition to providing economic resources for the conservation of the hydraulic network, he/she participates in the construction and repair of hydraulic infrastructure, in the planning and design of strategies for water conservation. This situation requires an appropriate technological and intellectual level, something that local producers lack and therefore complicates the sustainable management of the resource.


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How to Cite

Peinado Guevara, V. M., Camacho Castro, C., Bernal Domínguez, D., Delgado Rodríguez, O., & Peinado Guevara, H. J. (2012). Conservation programs for works in irrigation districts as a sustainable alternative in the management of water for agricultural use. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(2).



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