Social capital between family businesses and business associations in Celaya, Guanajuato


  • Ricardo Contreras Soto
  • Alberto Valdés Cobos
  • Alejandra López Salazar



social capital, entrepreneurial association, family companies


This paper is part of a broad study on family businesses conducted in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico (2011) with a sample of 343 interviews with owners or responsible managers. This study analyzes the specific relationship of social capital that family businesses have with different business associations, since it is supposedly the social purpose of these associations. The analysis is based on the open question: Does your company communicate with business associations (Coordinating Council of Businesses, COPARMEX, CANACINTRA...) and how do you perceive this relationship (positive and/or negative)? The aim is to find out what micro, small and medium-sized family businesses think: Do they have relationships with business associations? With whom do they have these relationships? And what do they think of these relationships? The analysis is mainly based on Bourdieu's theory of social capital. The study is mixed, predominantly qualitative and exploratory. An analysis of the different testimonies is made to quantify and represent the descriptive factors of these relationships.


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How to Cite

Contreras Soto, R., Valdés Cobos, A., & López Salazar, A. (2012). Social capital between family businesses and business associations in Celaya, Guanajuato. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(2).



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