Studies for peace, interculturality and democracy
integral peace, interculturality, democracy, non-violencesAbstract
The text presents a brief overview of the complexity of conflicts and violence that occur in the world, in Latin America and particularly in Mexico. Based on the approaches of peace studies, it describes the systemic structural violence, direct violence, cultural and symbolic violence that exist in our societies. It states the types of peace that exist today, and then interweaves interculturality and democracy in their investigative and educational dimension in postgraduate studies whose objective is to train researchers in the theoretical, analytical and methodological knowledge of our violent and peaceful realities. It proposes for Latin America to develop the theoretical perspective of Integral, active, nonviolent and lasting Peace, that is, a sustainable peace, based on a re-focus that has as its basis, on the one hand, the knowledge of our realities, and on the other, hypothetical references of the theories of Latin American critical thought in any of its expressions.
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