Gandhi, politics and Satyagraha


  • Mario Nicolás López Martínez



Gandhi, politics, non-violence, Satyagraha, Ahimsa, Sarvodaya, Swaraj, Swadeshi


Mohandas K. Gandhi was the father of modern nonviolence. He called forms of struggle without the use of firearms satyagraha. Gandhi distinguished between passive resistance and satyagraha. The basic postulate of satyagraha was based on the belief in the inherent goodness of human beings, moral power and the ability to suffer the opponent. He tried, in a difficult time, to offer an alternative to political and social war. On the roots of ancient peasant and popular forms of struggle (disobedience, non-cooperation, insubordination) he developed the union of ethics and politics, beyond

Machiavelli or M. Weber. But his ethical-political struggle could not be understood without other elements of his “constructive program”, such as ahimsa (non-killing), sarvodaya (welfare of all), swaraj (self-determination and self-government) and swadeshi (self-sufficiency).


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How to Cite

López Martínez, M. N. (2012). Gandhi, politics and Satyagraha. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(1 Especial).



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