Person and community: sustainability of a path towards peace


  • José Ricardo Perfecto Sánchez



person, community, violence, peace, sustainability


The coexistence of violence and peace in all its manifestations has always been a stigma of the human being, from its original presence in the world until today, recognizing that this social phenomenon has not been uniform or equal in intensity throughout history. Social violence and peace have been the product of the free decisions of man considered individually and socially. Ordinarily he has been concerned about his material well-being, postponing his spiritual attention, which does not exclude the former. This reductionist vision of man has fostered violence, which has increased so much today that it forces us to reconstruct a culture of peace, based on a vital conception of the new man as a person and participating member of a community. To do so, we resort to the analysis and synthesis of specialists in the study of Peace and the total nature of every human being.


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How to Cite

Perfecto Sánchez, J. R. (2012). Person and community: sustainability of a path towards peace. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(1 Especial).



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