Evaluation of the design and construction of the trails and boardwalks of Laguna de Zapotlán


  • J. Guadalupe Michel Parra
  • J. Emmanuel Jiménez Moreno
  • C. Felipe Pascual Ramos




Zapotlán's lagoon, environmental impact, eco-techniques


This work was carried out from February to October 2011 using an ecological, transversal and descriptive study in which the architectural characteristics of the Zapotlán lake's trails and jetties were described in its first stage. An environmental impact study was carried out with its soil mechanics, topographic survey, analysis of the transformed physical environment, analysis of communication routes, analysis of special infrastructures, demographic economic analysis, elements and parameters of the lake subdistrict, concepts, architectural district, preliminary project and project, feasibility, strategies and actions and results of the work. The preliminary study of ecological and territorial planning of the Zapotlán sub-basin and the Protection, Conservation and Management Program of the wetland were taken into consideration. The design and construction of the trails and boardwalks of the Zapotlán lagoon contributed to the sports activities of the sub-venue of the Pan American Games Guadalajara, 2011. The wetland has a high ecotourism, cultural, recreational, educational and didactic potential, which promotes community development and regional integration, by strengthening environmental, cultural and social values, by strengthening and developing ecotechniques for the conservation of the wetland, for the protection of biodiversity and by motivating deep changes in attitude and aptitude to generate responsible actions with respect to the ecosystem.


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How to Cite

Michel Parra, J. G., Jiménez Moreno, J. E., & Pascual Ramos, C. F. (2012). Evaluation of the design and construction of the trails and boardwalks of Laguna de Zapotlán. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(2 Especial). https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.08.02.e.2012.04.gm



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