The spatial dynamics of the ecosystems of the State of Durango


  • F. J. Rodríguez F.
  • M. E. Pereda S.



ecosystems, disturbed, change


This research aims to determine the spatial dynamics of ecosystems in the state of Durango through a prediction model obtained using the STELLA software, feeding it with the variables of degradation, deterioration and recovery, which were obtained from the Geomatics area of ​​CONAFOR, 2007. The model represents the dynamics of the surface over a period of eight years (1994 to 2002). The results show that forest ecosystems are the most deforested and degraded, however they are also the ones that recover the most, unlike grasslands and scrublands; these last ecosystems show a change in spatial dynamics and are the ones that recover the slowest.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez F. , F. J., & Pereda S. , M. E. (2012). The spatial dynamics of the ecosystems of the State of Durango. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(2 Especial).



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