Sustainable entrepreneurship and resonant and innovative leadership: a strategic binomial for sustainable development in Latin American territories
sustainable entrepreneuership, sustainable leadership, innovation, sustainable developmentAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze sustainable entrepreneurship and resonant and innovative leadership as a strategic binomial for sustainable development in Latin American territories, entrepreneurial actions for sustainability must be directed towards innovation, environmental conservation, for the creation of goods and services, and improving the quality of life of citizens. It is essential to incorporate resonant and innovative leadership, its optimistic, balanced and comprehensive capacity to envision the organization allows for a timely evaluation of social, political, economic, legal, intercultural and technological aspects. It is important for the leader to focus his attention on workers since they are the most valuable asset they possess, and have the capacities and skills that contribute to the achievement of the proposed goals, it fosters a pleasant work environment and optimal communication and interaction between workers, this entails generating competitive advantages and being highly productive, leading to sustainable development in Latin American territories. Methodologically, it is guided by the quantitative paradigm, of descriptive scope; Non-experimental transactional field study, population 25 subjects among managers, supervisors of public service ventures in the Baralt municipality, Venezuela. An instrument containing 39 items was designed following the Likert model with a scale of 5 response alternatives, to analyze the variable innovative resonant leadership. The systematic literature review technique was also used to describe the context of sustainable development in Latin America, through documentary analysis and interpretation, in order to achieve the objective proposed in this study. The results of the study indicate that the main quality of resonant and innovative leadership, which is that they connect with people's feelings, directing them emotionally in a positive way, is present in a moderate way. It also showed that leaders are not paying the relevant attention to their staff and are downplaying their capabilities and skills. Therefore, these are only moderately used, which represents serious difficulties for sustainable ventures, showing that it is highly relevant to consider entrepreneurship and leadership as a strategic binomial for sustainable development.entrepreneurship and leadership as a strategic binomial for sustainable development.
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