Preparation of a preliminary list of sites potentially contaminated with lead (pb) in the State of Tlaxcala
contamination, Tlaxcala, ledAbstract
In this work, a list of sites potentially contaminated with lead in the state of Tlaxcala was prepared, which may represent a danger to the health of nearby populations and to the environment. To do so, the PAHO/WHO methodology was used, which proposes the preparation of a list of contaminated sites as a first phase and which allows identifying as dangerous those places that normally go unnoticed as such. In general terms, the results indicate that in the state of Tlaxcala there are sites potentially contaminated with lead since in these places it is used in their micro-industrial and/or artisanal processes. According to the criteria used in this work, there are five sites that deserve greater attention and are from highest to lowest risk: San Pablo del Monte, La Trinidad Tenexyecac, Tetla de la Solidaridad, Xalostoc and Santiago Xochimilco. In addition, lead, due to its toxic characteristics, proves to be a factor that increases the importance of this study and therefore deserves to be the subject of further study taking into account other factors in subsequent studies, based on the methodology of risk assessment to health due to exposure to potentially contaminated sites.
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Elaboración de un listado preliminar de sitios potencialmente contaminados con plomo (pb)
en el estado de Tlaxcala
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Copyright (c) 2012 Juana Sánchez Alarcón, José Luis Gómez Olivares, Stefan M. Waliszewki, José M.R. Montiel González, Rafael Valencia Quintana

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