Growing up between the Good and the Adequate: Child Rearing in Indigenous Colonial Discourses in Central Mexico
studies on infancies, gender, nahuatl, colonyAbstract
Today, studies on childhood have taken on great importance in the field of social sciences worldwide. It is essential to bring this perspective to the field of Mesoamerican ethnohistory in order to get closer to the colonial realities experienced by indigenous peoples of the past. Based on theories on child rearing proposed from history and anthropology, and using the methods proposed by the North American School of New Philology, and textual analysis, the discourses produced by the friars and the indoctrinated Nahua indigenous people during the early stage of the colony were analyzed. It is concluded that child rearing was an important issue for the process of colonization of indigenous populations; an issue that, far from being mundane, became relevant in the dispute over the role that fathers, mothers, and infants should play within the home in the desire to reconfigure colonial indigenous societies.
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