Educating for Peace from a Society without Peace: Conditions for building it
peace, human development, human rights, democracy, DisarmamentAbstract
Educating for Peace from a society without Peace is a proposal based on four conditions. The first refers to the state of well-being of human beings, a condition violated by poverty and misery in the world, so that as long as they exist in society it will be impossible to establish Peace. In the face of the practice of living well, “Good Living” is proposed, based on the equality of all beings, human and/or not, seeking a favorable life for all. The second condition to establish Peace is respect and concern for living Human Rights in all areas. The third condition is to promote and “lead” (educate) society in democratic life, which is like saying, Peace can be achieved through political means. The fourth condition is disarmament, so that weapons and the power of bullets do not rule the destinies of peoples, as has happened until now. Only to the extent that we are all involved in an educational process to live these four conditions, will it be possible to approach living in Peace.
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