Impact of nitrogen fertilization on water for human consumption in the municipality of Guasave Sinaloa, Mexico


  • Adolfo Dagoberto Armenta Bojórquez
  • Jesús Ricardo Camacho Báez
  • Cipriano García Gutiérrez
  • Manuel Mundo Ocampo
  • Julián Alberto Galaviz Lara
  • Carolina Cervantes Medina



nitrates, metahemoglobin, drinking water, agriculture


The practice of intensive agriculture in Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, promotes the application of high amounts of fertilizers in vegetable and grain crops; nitrates are the best known inorganic contaminants, those that most contaminate groundwater, and perhaps those that generate the greatest risk to health. The maximum concentration of nitrates in water for human consumption recommended by the Mexican Official Standard (NOM) is 10 mg L-1 of N-NO3; levels above this value should be a cause for concern due to their possible detrimental effect on human health, mainly by reducing oxygen transport in blood (methemoglobin). The main objective of this work is to analyze the levels of nitrates in water for human consumption in communities of the municipality of Guasave, Sinaloa. Two methods were used for the analysis: the Brucina method and the Merckoquant nitrate analysis method. The results show that nitrate concentrations in public drinking water networks and purification plants are above critical levels (10 mg L-1 of N-NO3) in different communities; the highest concentration (22.7 mg L-1 of N-NO3) was in Estación Bamoa, known for its horticultural activity where concentrations were found above NOM-127-SSA1-1994.


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How to Cite

Armenta Bojórquez, A. D., Camacho Báez, J. R., García Gutiérrez, C., Mundo Ocampo, M., Galaviz Lara, J. A., & Cervantes Medina, C. (2012). Impact of nitrogen fertilization on water for human consumption in the municipality of Guasave Sinaloa, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(4 Especial), 11–16.



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