Biorational insecticides for the control of mosquitoes and black flies in Sinaloa
biorational, biological control, simulides, A. albimanus, C. quinquefasciatusAbstract
In Sinaloa, Mexico, the presence of mosquitoes is a major health problem, since each spring-summer season there are various species, among which the following stand out: Aedes aegypti (Linneus), Anopheles albimanus (Wiedemann), Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) and black flies of the Simulidae family. The combat of larvae and adults of these insects is commonly carried out with chemical insecticides, so the use of biorational insecticides for the control of these insects is novel, because they have a low impact on the environment. In this work, the different biorational insecticides and their biological effect (inhibitor, repellent, larvicide, adulticide) that can be used to combat the different stages of the development of these insects are presented. In addition, the progress of a study on the effectiveness of neem, garlic, cinnamon, basil and cypermethrin extracts at low doses (0.25, 0.5 and 1 ml/L) for the control of blackflies in the municipality of El Fuerte, Sinaloa, are shown. Due to their mode of action, the biorationals that can be used to control these insects are; Spinosad and Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) var. israeliensis for larvae, and for adults Spinosad and Beauveria bassiana (Vuill.); as well as garlic, neem, cinnamon and basil extracts for both stages. The preliminary results of the biorational effectiveness study showed that the application of low doses of cypermethrin and aqueous extracts of the plants, managed to reduce the rates of larvae in breeding sites and the population infestation of mosquitoes and black flies in tourist sites, reducing the discomfort caused by these insects in the study site.
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