Natural enemies of corn silk flies: Euxesta stigmatias (Loew), Chaetopsis massyla (Walker) and Eumecosommyia nubila (Wiedemann) in Guasave Sinaloa, Mexico


  • Jesús Ricardo Camacho Báez
  • Cipriano García Gutiérrez
  • Manuel Mundo Ocampo
  • Adolfo Dagoberto Armenta Bojórquez
  • Eusebio Nava Pérez
  • Jesús Ignacio Valenzuela Hernández
  • Ulises González Guitrón



stigma flies, Spalangia, Orius, parasitoid, predator, entomopathogenic nematodes


The silk fly complex Euxesta stigmatias (Loew), Chaetopsis massyla (Walker) and Eumecosommyia nubila (Wiedemann) have become important as pests in corn crops in Sinaloa, and their damage is associated with rotting that affects the quality of the corn and grain yield. The purpose of this work is to present the results of the search for natural enemies (parasitoids, predators and entomopathogenic nematodes) with potential for biological control of this fly complex. The work was carried out during the spring-summer agricultural cycle of 2011. Eight weekly samples were taken with an entomological net and fruit was collected, at the stage of fruiting and grain ripening in corn plots planted with the Asgrow Garañon hybrid, with two wasps of the order Hymenoptera of the Pteromalidae and Eurytomidae families predominating, which parasitize the silk fly in the pupal stage; Spalangia spp. was observed most frequently exerting a natural parasitism of 47 % on Euxesta stigmatias (Loew) during the fruiting and ripening stages of the fruits. The pirate bug Orius insidiosus (Say) was present during the months of March to July preying on eggs and larvae of the fly. On the other hand, soil sampling was carried out to isolate and identify populations of entomopathogenic nematodes, using the trap insect Galleria melonella (L). Populations were isolated in three sites planted with corn located in the CIIDIR-IPN Sinaloa Unit, in the Guasave and Maximiliano R. López ejidos, all located in the municipality of Guasave. The nematodes found in the sites belong to species of the Rhabtitidae family, the identification at the genus level is in process. The natural enemies found are characterized by having the potential to be evaluated as biological control agents of the stigma fly complex.


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How to Cite

Camacho Báez, J. R., García Gutiérrez, C., Mundo Ocampo, M., Armenta Bojórquez, A. D., Nava Pérez, E., Valenzuela Hernández, J. I., & González Guitrón, U. (2012). Natural enemies of corn silk flies: Euxesta stigmatias (Loew), Chaetopsis massyla (Walker) and Eumecosommyia nubila (Wiedemann) in Guasave Sinaloa, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 8(4 Especial), 71–77.



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