Biofuel production from microalgae
biodiesel, bioethanol, photobioreactors, algae, cianobacteria, sustainability, industrial ecologyAbstract
A review of the situation of biofuels in the world, mainly biodiesel, is made. The different raw materials for biodiesel synthesis are compared and emphasis is placed on the production of biodiesel from microalgae. The different freshwater and saltwater microalgae are compared in terms of their lipid content and productivity. The lipid biosynthesis process is reviewed and how their lipid production can be improved. The importance of genetically manipulating Botryrococuus braunni, Nannochloropsis sp, Noechlorisoleobundans and Nitschia sp is discussed. A study of the advantages and disadvantages of the different microalgae cultivation systems is also made. Finally, a perspective of biofuels from microalgae is presented. Among the main challenges to overcome in order to produce biodiesel are: The cost of biomass production, which involves optimization of media, selection and manipulation of strains and the design of photobioreactors. The biomass separation process, the extraction of oils and by-products, the optimization of the transesterification process, purification and use of by-products must also be considered.
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